Thursday, September 20, 2012

Article Findings

"Video Games and Embodiment" was an interesting read that explores the motivation behind playing games. The dichotomy of the player's goals and the player character's goals does create a unique relationship that encourages immersion. I wasn't really sure how embodiment applies to the real world, however. I sometimes make up hypothetical situations in my head whenever I anticipate something, but to say that defines my entire mentality is something of a stretch.

I also read "Narrative Structure in Computer and Video Games", a subject that fascinates me as a player and someone who enjoys telling/listening to stories. The general point of the article was to analyze how narrative was used in games past and present, and then taking these findings to suggest how interactivity and narrative can be further incorporated. I think this is a matter that certainly needs addressing. There are certainly stories in games, but one of the major findings in the article (and from my own experience) is how often games rely on cutscenes for exposition, a passive form of story telling.

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